Batallion Diary
9.20 p.m. Went into
Divisional Reserve.
Strength of Battalion
is 1 Officer over and 17 Other Ranks under establishment.
Casualties: 1 Other
Rank killed, 2 wounded.
Lewis Cameron Nott wrote
home to his mother this month:-
I censored a letter from a man named Wintle to you
the other day thanking you for the Mother’s parcel. He is one of the
Headquarters men being a pioneer & a very good fellow. There is one thing I
would like to ask you about.
I still have charge of the signallers in a way
& they get an awful dull time sometimes on telephone duty all night & I
see you can send magazines for nothing. If you could get people to send their
magazines out when they have finished I could distribute them & I know the
men weld be very grateful.
I censo