Thursday, 24 September 2015

1915 undated

Dear mother

This is a very typical picture and it is most noticeable how often the cross or church monuments will stay up after the building is all ruined. In the trenches we have several but have dismantled them!


Sunday, 20 September 2015

1915: 20th September - to Dad

2661 Signal Section
6 Glouc Regt


Dear Dad

This is yet another view of the damage done to the villages here. Note the boundary poles I expect you have often seen these concrete pillars. Mother wrote to me yesterday but Cathy’s letter has not come yet. Hope all at home are well I am all right and will write directly to you.

Best Love to all



Thursday, 17 September 2015

1915: 17th September - Battalion diary - Lewis Cameron Nott wrote..

Batallion Diary
9.20 p.m. Went into Divisional Reserve.

Strength of Battalion is 1 Officer over and 17 Other Ranks under establishment.

Casualties: 1 Other Rank killed, 2 wounded.

Lewis Cameron Nott wrote home to his mother this month:-

I censored a letter from a man named Wintle to you the other day thanking you for the Mother’s parcel. He is one of the Headquarters men being a pioneer & a very good fellow. There is one thing I would like to ask you about. 

I still have charge of the signallers in a way & they get an awful dull time sometimes on telephone duty all night & I see you can send magazines for nothing. If you could get people to send their magazines out when they have finished I could distribute them & I know the men weld be very grateful.

I censo

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

1915: 16th September - to Mother

2661 Signal Section
6 Glouc Regt


Dear Mother

I am writing this from a field hospital where I’ve been for a couple of days with a touch of flu! I am pretty fit now and expect to return to the Battalion tomorrow. I hope my letter was not too bad last time but I felt it like I wrote! Cathy sent some papers and a P.C. so I know the news. Please keep this for my collection. Very best love to the aunts and I hope you will soon improve and be strong.

Best Love from


Monday, 14 September 2015

1915: 14th September - to Alec

2661 Signals
6 Glouc Regt.


Dear Alec

How would you like my dugout! It is not quite like this one really but as neat as some we have had! Tell Cathy I received the papers and p.c. thank her and I’ll write when the letter arrives. For a couple of days I have been in hospital with ‘flu’ a chill or something feel better now. I hope my letters arrived.

Best wishes to all

From Tom