Saturday, 5 December 2015

1915: 5th December - to father

London 5/12/15

Dear Father

Have just reached here safely and will stay in Bristol for the night coming on by train some time Monday evening time to follow! All well but have not received a letter since yours of 26th Nov: Hope you are all well and are at home. Had a rough trip but slept and was not sick

Your loving son


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

1915: 1st December - to Cathy

on active service

6 Glouc. Regt.


Dear Cathy

All being well I leave here Saturday or Sunday for home. Shall send p.c. from ____ directly I land and another from Bristol. Do not write any more letters after receiving this p.c. I will keep you posted up as to my movements.

Best Love to all
