Tuesday, 28 June 2016

1916: 28th June - to Cathy


Dear C,

Just a line to say I am well. Please thank mother for her letter which I will answer at first opportunity!! It  is still wet and June is trying to break all records for disgusting weather. I met  Reg Bond and several old friends the other day. Heard from Cadouse plenty of news to follow.

Love to all


Saturday, 18 June 2016

1916: 18th June - to Cathy

Signal Section

Dear Cathy

Just a p.c. to tell you I am back again with the batt: after nearly a month. The weather has improved and is now quite nice. I had a bath and a swim and change on reaching the old spot. All letters are delayed by my move so I’ll write to you in a day or two giving full particulars of news. I am well and fit. Hope you are all right and like the new work.

Love to all


Tuesday, 7 June 2016

1916: 7th June

Mr A.W. Brewer
16 Belair Road

June 7th

Dear Alec

Thanks for your letter of May 30th I will write to you later at present a long letter from Mother is eagerly awaited. There is so much news in the papers etc. she will have to write a Book. I am still at the school of Instruc.. What are you doing now, have any of the ships which took part come into Devonport! Hope all are well

Best of luck


Note father fishing on bank!?

['ships which took part' is a reference to the Battle of Jutland]