Tuesday, 20 September 2016

1916: 20th September - to Father


Dear Father

Received your letter with news of Char’s arrival. It was something like a welcome, special boat, who were the reporters? Glad C. is well and hope he is having a good time if he is doing all I should like to do he certainly is. Still write to you in a day or two do not send anything until I write am well and still out of it.

Best of Luck and love to all


Thursday, 15 September 2016

1916: 15th September - 1/6th Gloucesters

Photo taken 15th September


a few familiar faces from funny fellows full of fury for flying fokkers in France

Best of Luck to all Tom

[T.V. Brewer second row up, 6th from right]

[T.V. Brewer 2nd row up, 6th from right]

Monday, 5 September 2016

1916: 5th September - to Mother

Sept 5.16

Dear Mother

Many thanks for letter of 31st Aug recd. Tonight I will write in a day or two when we hope to b___ and ___ out [indistinct] for a bit. All well so far, it is a bit wet and the trenches are muddy again hope all at home are feeling better and that Char will soon be there. I may be too during the next five years

Au revoir


[21/22nd August 1/6 was fighting near Thiepval]