Friday, 1 December 2017

1917: 1st December - to Cathy

Dec 1st 17

Dear C.

Hope you are all well, I am in the pink the weather is fine and quite warm during the day. I passed our native city a week ago but it was not a very inspiring sight . Hope to get some news soon and also to find time for a letter. Are you good at puzzels?


[Tom and his sister Cathy were born in Paris]

1917: 1st December - Genoa - to mother

Dec 1st 17

My dear Mother

Just a p.c. to let you know all is well. We have had a busy time for the past ten days and no post so I am still without home news. We are well and way back but not where you expect. See Charly or the City of Colombus 1st  voyage and you may be wiser. Will write at first opportunity.

Lots of love


[Genoa was where Charly went on his first voyage as a marconi officer on the S.S.Calabria]

Saturday, 18 November 2017

1917: 18th November - to Mother


Dear Mother

Just a p.c. to let you know all is OK. I have been very busy the last week and have not written a line since Charley’s letter but tonight I hope to get one off. Hope you are all well,  we have not received any post for a few days but I expect a letter today.

Love to all


Wednesday, 13 September 2017

1917: 13th September - to Mother

Sept 13/17

Dear Mother

It is a long time since I had a letter from you. I hope you are all well. Have you recvd. my 16 letters p.c.s  etc. etc. Perhaps the Mail boat has gone down with all the lot. Hope to hear soon.

Love to all


18th Corps Signal School

Saturday, 9 September 2017

1917: 9th September - to Mother


Dear Mother

Just a line to let you know all is well. I am having a rest and will write tomorrow. Am going for a ride today, address all letters for six weeks as Corporal. Lots of love and thanks for last letter.


I had a sea bathe!

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

1917: 5th September - to father

Sept 5th

Dear Father

Just a chance p.c. to enclose with some snaps. They are very poor and the last that can be done. Take great pains to finish them if you like let a chemist do it. All O.K. here I’m cert. for another 6 weeks. Bon! Send me my football boots or any other old things, also get mother to mention when writing to Leicester that I need a wrist watch, a razor and some muffles. My cardigan jacket would be handy too so if you feel like it send a parcel of the latter and boots. No more, in a fearful hurry as Sergt. Longhurst is off to Blighty at 8.30 a.m.
