Tuesday, 28 February 2017

1917: 28th February - to father

Feb 28. 17

Dear Father

Still going strong! All quiet here and we are in camp. What do you think of the latest news, looks more hopeful and may be the first of a lot of good news. Hope you are all fit and well and that our neighbours have got over their colds.

Love to all


Saturday, 4 February 2017

1917: 4th February - Battalion war diary...

4th February 1917 Battalion War Diary

At 5.30pm after a bombardment which lasted intermittently since 6.30 am, the enemy opened a barrage on our lines which lifted at 5.30 pm.  Two parties of enemy then rushed at our trenches between BOYAU NEGRO and CHEMINADE.

Our men were standing to in their shelters along with the M.G. on the right of sector.  Our men at once manned the trench and the M.G. opened fire on the enemy advance.

A small number of the enemy penetrated our trench, several were killed between our wire and the parapet, the remainder fled.  The left party did not reach our lines at all.  Those who reached the trench were disposed of by bayonet and bomb.  Three enemy were killed and one wounded in the trench.  The operation was over by 6.15 p.m.  At 6.30 p.m. on receipt of the first report along with the Intelligence Officer, I went to the Right Company Hdqrs and then to the front line and found all quiet.  Several enemy were lying in front of our parapet and an examining patrol has gone out to obtain identifications.

The enemy barrage interrupted communication in our main and subsidiary trenches.  Support and Reserve trenches are stopped in a few places and the front line is badly knocked in.

No attempt was made to raid our left subsector.

Detailed reports as to casualties sustained by us and inflicted on the enemy, are not yet to hand from Company Commanders.

The wounded German is at present being sent down for examination.

Our French Artillery Liaison Officer gave us the artillery support that we asked for.  Further details will be forwarded as soon as received.

All precautions had been taken in the event of an attack or a raid.  Detailed orders had been given to Company Commanders and were carried out.  At 5.30 p.m. when the enemy barrage opened, we at once, through our liaison officer, got our artillery to open a counter barrage.  We kept his lines under fire till the situation was quiet.