Tuesday, 27 June 2017

1917: the Old Sop

Sincerely Yours
The old Sop

1917: August - Herbert G.Hill

[Herbert Godfrey Hill::: Born 1892::: Father: Cleaner :::1911 address: 41 Manor Road, Bishopston Bristol ::: Job before the war: Printers Clerk]

Monday, 26 June 2017

1917: 26th June - to Cathy

June 26th/17

Dear Cathy

I have just come down here for a few weeks on a course, it is a nice change to see a real village after so many ruins. Please send letters to me unless I write to contrary

172 L/C T.V. Brewer 265525
1/6 Glos Regt
5 Army School

Will write soon
Love to all


Wednesday, 14 June 2017

1917 - 14th/15th June - Battalion War Diary

14th June 1918.  At this time it was known that an Austrian offensive on a wide front was imminent but information indicated the probability of no enemy action beyond Artillery demonstrations taking place against the British Sector.

15th June 1918. 144 Brigade in divisional reserve was about to relieve 145 Brigade in Right Subsector opposite CANOVE. Dispositions:- 4th Gloucesters - S. DONA; 6th Gloucesters - M. SERONA; 7th Worcesters – CAMISINO; 8th Worcesters - M. BRUSABO; Brigade Hdqrs – CARRIOLA.

At 3 a.m. the enemy opened a powerful bombardment along whole front of attack. Roads and tracks were shelled with particular severity. Within 3 minutes telephone communication – all lines were aerial – forward of Divisional Headquarters was destroyed.

4 a.m. the Battalion was ordered to ‘stand to’.

6.30 a.m. information was received that no infantry attack had developed on the Divisional front. Battalion stood down.

About 9.30 a.m. information was received that enemy had broken through the Divisional Front and that situation was seriously obscure. Acting on verbal orders from brigade, the Battalion, in fighting order plus extra 50 rounds small arms ammunition per man, marched by track to CARRIOLA, arriving 11.30 a.m. Here orders were received to march to CASDA MAGNABOSCHI and to discover and restore the situation.

Battalion moved in single file via PRA PELUCCO and VAL MAGNABOSCHI and at 1 p.m. took up sheltered positions amongst rocks at CASA MAGNABOSCHI. Touch was immediately established with 1/7th Royal Warwicks which Battalion had counter-attacked from CASA MAGNABOSCHI earlier in the day.

Situation. Enemy appeared to have captured whole of front system, excepting, possibly, on extreme right of Divisional Sector where position was unknown.

LEMERLE and CESUNA switch lines were held by our troops and 1/7th Royal Warwicks were containing enemy along line C. TRAVERSOS – VILLA BRUNIALTI – CLO.

Situation E & N.E. of CLO still unknown but left flank of 1/4th Ox & Bucks light Infantry believed to be in vicinity of PELLY CROSS. Decided to prolong right flank of 1/7th Royal Warwicks N.E. along CLO – PELLY CROSS track (Pine Alley) and to counter attack with 2 Companies.

Dispositions;- “B” Company on Right, “D” Company on Left, “A” & “C” Companies in Reserve at CASA MAGNABOSCHI. Battalion Hdqrs 200 yds S.W. of CLO. At 5.30 p.m. “B” & “D” Companies attacked in conjunction with 1/7th Royal Warwicks. After advancing about 150 yds through dense pine forest, 1/7th Royal Warwicks and “D” Company were held up by heavy M.G. fire. “B” Company lost touch with “D” Company and advanced N.E. with little opposition to PELLY CROSS but were unable to find touch with Ox & Bucks. “B” Company then advanced N.W. with intention of turning enemy’s left flank, but on reaching railway embankment they were attacked from front and both flanks and obliged to withdraw to position along Pine Alley on right of “D” Company.

At 7.30 p.m. 1/7th Worcesters with “A” & “C” Companies 6th Gloucesters in Reserve, continued the attack with 1/7th Royal Warwicks on left and “B” & “D” Companies, 6th Gloucesters on Left. After advancing about 200 yds attack was again held up by strong enemy M.G. fire.

About 9.30 p.m. patrol reported that left flank of Ox & Bucks were on road about 300 yds S.E. of PELLY CROSS.

Positions gained were held during night with defensive flank on right.  

Thursday, 8 June 2017

1917: 8th June - to Alec

June 8th

Dear Alec

I thought this card may be interesting, note the look of disgust on the chaps faces. How are you,  from all Mother writes about you I think you are pretty lively.  I am up in the line but it is quiet. Will write in a day or two to mother

Best Wishes


Wednesday, 7 June 2017

1917:June 7th - Archie Bright

Archie Viccars Bright, Tom's cousin  - killed at the Battle of Messines Ridge 100 years ago