Wednesday, 16 August 2017

1917: 16th August - to father

Aug 16th

Dear Father

Just recvd. P.O. for which very many thanks I was getting very hard up. Will send a letter in a day or so but am very busy with tests just at present. All news good, the weather is improving and I’m O.K. so we can’t grumble.

Lots of love to all


Tuesday, 15 August 2017

1917: 15th August - to Father


Dear Father

Just a line to thank you for the snaps the small were not a success, the camera must have something wrong the others were fine and I think the one of you lying at ease amongst the ferns is splendid. I am envious! Mothers’ letter arrived safely and I’ll reply at a later date. No news of note.

Best Wishes
