Wednesday, 16 May 2018

1918: 16th May - to Cath

May 16th
Dear C./

I have just received one of the lost letters dated 23rd April so have a little better idea of news. Should you get any other address from the War Off. take no notice write to me where I say and at present Con. Camp E Coy L3 A.P.O. I.E.P. will find me

Love to all


Thursday, 10 May 2018

1918: 10th May - to my dear Mother

May 10th 18

My Dear Mother

I have recvd. the Reg. letter today and order, many thanks. I was just on my last Lire! When I get up to the Bn. I shall be able to draw plenty and may remit some home. All well here but weather very changeable will write on Sunday when I hope the missing post will arrive.

Love all


Friday, 4 May 2018

1918: 4th May - to Catherine

May 4th

Dear Catherine

This is within 100 yards of my tent and the Pav. I visit every week. The bathing machines are not there now but it is jolly nice and we bathe on the opposite side. Charly knows this place I know and will tell you all about it if he comes home. Writing Tuesday.

Love to all


[Charlie had visited Italy when working as a Marconi Officer aboard the S.S. Calabria before the war]